Ahhh, not fair, I can't exactly disagree with Barky deserving the MVP. Like Leetch and Richter in 94 could've gone either way, while Bure really did earn that. Maybe if he was North American....anyway, not to get too far off track, all i can say- it's not often an entire building agrees on something, but about
18,000 people agreed with me as we all screamed "BOB-BY! BOB-BY!" And I kinda disgree with the outperformed part, though Igor put on a show that will go sadly overlooked but by few over time. Doesn't take away from Bob's performance, especially the most timely saves. Meanwhile what goalie would've stopped those specific breakaways? Hank's gone, only guy i know better on breakaways than Bob in modern era.
oh and "FXCK YOU BOSTON!". Crowd agreed there too! I dedicated my part to my bros in Vancouver

Fun stuff, though I believe we should now say "Thank you Boston" haha