2024-25 General Dallas Stars Talk

Perhaps RIP my inbox, but...

I have been underwhelmed by 96 5 on 5 so far. He does alot of standing around and is really slow transitioning out of the offensive zone
It's been a weird few weeks for him, i'd give him some time, but he's basically at his best a better version of JRob. He's not a super flashy individual even at his best
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Perhaps RIP my inbox, but...

I have been underwhelmed by 96 5 on 5 so far. He does alot of standing around and is really slow transitioning out of the offensive zone
I mean that's who he is. He's a play-finisher, not a play-driver. Which is why he will work better with a puck-dominant center like Duchene or Wyatt and not someone who wants to get the puck off their stick and move like Roope.

I look at it a lot like the Hull acquisition. Hull would've sucked here without Modano doing all the work. You need guys who create and you need guys who finish when the chips are down.
Perhaps RIP my inbox, but...

I have been underwhelmed by 96 5 on 5 so far. He does alot of standing around and is really slow transitioning out of the offensive zone

Last night he picked up the pace at times, but this is why he's a bad fit next to JRob imo.

I think I mentioned it somewhere yesterday but Rantanen doesn't skate and JRob can't skate. Bad combo on 1 line. It's also why he should be with Duchene who can carry the puck for him

In the end though, we need to give him time. May not even really get settled in until next season for all we know, but I don't think hes a $12m player anyways, probably more like $9m. Still happy we got him though idc about the price :)

You can still see how dangerous he can be when he gets a look on net. Just needs to get some chemistry and learn the system to truly be effective. Whether he drives play or not though, he will still be the best goal scorer on this team imo
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It took Pavs over a year to put it together in Dallas. He’ll get acclimated in the next few weeks. I just hope he’ll be feeling good by playoffs

Good point. I forgot how slow of a start he had here

I think it's only a matter of time before Rantanen is consistently putting the puck in the net. They still have no clue what they're doing on the PP with him but they're getting closer. Been a longgg time since we had a consistent one-timer/down-low threat on the PP.

Even strength I think it may take him a bit longer to really get things going. I think our easier schedule down the stretch here will really help him get settled in


4th line

I think either would be solid
Can’t assume some of these guys can play well on their off wing. Players like Granlund and Daddy can. But not everyone will be comfortable doing that.
I'd like to see Wyatt and Rantanen together but with Granlund instead of Benn. I think Granlund would work well with a shooter like Rantanen.

Robo - Hintz - Bourque
Granlund - Wyatt - Rantanen
Benn - Duchene - Marchment
Back - Steel - Dadonov

When Seguin is back... it creates a bit of a what do you do with Benn problem. If that second line works out, you wouldn't split them up. You have to put Duchene-Seguin-Mush back together. So that leaves the 1st line of the 4th line. I don't think Benn has really played with Robo and Hintz, has he? Maybe it would work but it does seem awkward. Other option is to put him on the 4th line and make an amazing 4th line although I don't know how he would feel about that.

Robo - Hintz - Bourque/Benn
Granlund - Wyatt - Rantanen
Marchment - Duchene - Seguin
Steel - Bourque/Benn - Dadonov
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