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After the season ended last year, Verbeek cited he was happy with Cronin and the direction of the team. I was perplexed because with the influx of more talented players in Cronin's first year and seeing the vast improvement in GA as well as GD, then how was it that Cronin earning only one more point than Eakins would be considered a success? That should have given us a reframe on what makes Verbeek content along with what he feels is making the team better - which is to mold a square peg into a round hole via "culture".
I gave the heads up on this board way back then, but far too many people came up with a myriad of excuses b/c none wanted to believe anyone could be worse than Eakins.
We're in year 2 of Cronin and the same pattern re-emerges: good GA and putrid offense. The team has earned more points this year than last year at the 46-game mark, but many of those extra points (if not more) are due to our top-end goaltending. The team also hit .500 early in the season. These improvements are things Verbeek can point to as success for Cronin. The success of LaCombe in year 2 probably also lends to the thought that our youths just need more time to develop. Therein lies the problem: LaCombe was a mostly finished product before going pro due to four years development in college. He needed a season to adapt. Minty, Zell, and Helleson are in a constant rotation to get onto the ice this season.
Anaheim has accrued four top-9 drafted forwards in the draft who are already on the team and only one top-10 drafted d-man on the club. Three of the four top-9 drafted forwards are still perimeter players. The Ducks' org are not playing to the strengths of talent on the team nor is the construction conducive to masking our perimeter youth forwards.
I'll keep on saying it, "Cronin is Verbeek's avatar on the bench." Verbeek cannot do any wrong, as we've discovered with his reaction to Lisa Dillman's question to Verbeek of self-evaluation after Eakins was fired.
Why is the NHL level our development level?
Verbeek wants to shorten the rebuild time by rushing youths to the NHL level.
Although, Verbeek misjudges his talent evaluations as well as misjudges his own competency to develop talents with his novel workload mgmt. Only LaCombe has improved In year 2 of the youth rush (
Carlsson, Minty, Zell, and LaCombe). Fortunately and unfortunately, LaCombe had to go through some psychological help on his own over the summer. Even the older youths (Z and Mac) have taken steps back.