Only tangentially related, here’s fun story (long post warning, then again most of my posts are tl;dr). Also apologies if I told this tale already, I’ve been on here so long I don’t remember.
One time I went camping with my friend and his brother, and his brother’s friends. My buddy is a pretty easygoing, chill guy. But his brother and friends were the most raucous and violent bunch of drunks I’ve ever been around. They were all frat boys from Ft. Collins so it made sense.
One of them brought a gasoline can and built a HUGE campfire. And they used Aspen trees or something as the kindling and it set off soooo many embers into the air. I cannot believe we didn’t start a forest fire. Certainly would have under today’s conditions.
One night, I was hammered and didn’t notice (I’m a super-sound sleeper anyway) but my buddy said that night he was about to drift off when he saw a huge fireball go off outside our tent. Didn’t think anything of it since no one appeared to be hurt and went back to sleep.
Later that day one of the guys stumbled out of his tent looking like he had gone on a four-day bender (which this camping trip pretty much was). The left side of his shirt and flannel were completely burned through, and we opened up his sleeping bag, and the plastic lining was melted right where the burned part of his shirt would’ve been. So we figure he dumped the entire can on the fire, set off an explosion, set himself on fire but was so wasted he didn’t notice, and just crawled into his sleeping bag, still smoldering. He was lucky as f***, his skin in that area was slightly red but otherwise he was fine.
Needless to say, I never went on any sort of outing with those guys ever again.
So yeah…don’t ever, EVER use gasoline to start fires. Light amounts of starter fluid will get the job done if you know what you’re doing.