Not only should the tank thread be stickied, it should be perma-stickied so it never leaves the very top of the forum
Winning season or losing season, or chasing wc2 season, it's best to lull the hockey gods to sleep with an active tank thread, since the Canucks have obviously angered them back in the early early '70's and as long as they are on the ball, this team will never succeed
Really when you think about it, the anti-tankers have ensured this dismal fate, making it a certainty the hockey gods will pay just enough attention to the Canucks to swat them down whenever success rears its head
Feel free to unholster pitchforks and begin the witch hunt for anti-tankers, burning them at the stake is really for their own good
And if nothing else, we get to enjoy a bonfire
Figuratively speaking, of course
Of course