Kyrou currently has 46 give aways in 43 games
Thomas had 50 giveaways in 31 games
some people formed a perception of Kyrou as he was breaking into the league and while Kyrou grew and became a better player some people did not grow in their perceptions
It's perception bias. It happens a lot on here. There are a lot of mistakes in a hockey game. Its a fast-paced, back and forth environment. When you expect a player to make mistakes and you are looking for them, you are going to find them. That in turn that is going to reinforce the original perception. When you see things that are not expected, you discount those and forget them.
Its why I believe advanced stats are so important to a good discussion. Perception bias is a huge flaw of the eye-test. Stats are more objective measurement. They are not perfect, either. But when you couple both, they can help overcome the weakness of the other.