I would love to have a Scheels in Alaska. First time I heard of them was last year when the chubby electron dude made a youtube video that was sponsored by them. Looked it up online and was absolutely blown away. We just can't get many nice things up here. We've had Duluth Trading Company, Cabela's, and
Menards that I know of look into opening a store but ultimately they just could be convinced that Fairbanks or even Anchorage for that matter could ultimately generate enough business to make it financially worth it. Their profit margins wouldn't be high enough, which I can ultimately respect at the end of the day. The only two big chains we've attracted were Home Depot and Lowes. Hell, we only got the Lowes because the owners of the Home Depot got divorced and she took her winnings and built a Lowes right across the street from her ex's Home Depot.

I guess hell really does have no fury like a woman scorned.