For those "I hope we move up in the draft" pundits I spent a little time on the Draft Pro simulator looking at different values of moving up in the draft by using only draft picks. Currently they show us with the #19 pick. Of course the Kings could also move up trading players or prospects which is a real possibility but this is if they just use their picks.
The Kings don't have the draft picks needed according to the simulator to move up to pick #9 in the draft using only draft picks..
Moving up to #10 on the simulator took five picks (19, 51, 91, 115 and 179) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 10 and 147.
Moving up to #11 on the simulator also took five picks (19, 51, 115, 147 and 179) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 11 and 91.
Moving up to #12 on the simulator took four picks (19, 51, 147 and 179) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 12, 91, and 115.
Moving up to #13 on the simulator took two picks (19 and 51) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 13, 91, 115, 147 and 179.
Moving up to #14 on the simulator took five picks (19, 91, 115, 147 and 179) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 14 and 51.
Moving up to #15 on the simulator took four picks (19, 91,115 and 147) to make the pick value come out right.
That would give the Kings picks 15, 51 and 179.
Moving up to #16 on the simulator took three picks (19, 91 and 147).
That would give the Kings picks 16, 51, 115 and 179.
Moving up to #17 on the simulator took two picks (19 and 91).
That would give the Kings picks 17, 51, 115, 147 and 179.
moving up to #18 on the simulator took two picks (19 and 115).
That would leave the Kings picks 18, 51, 91, 147 and 179).
So to me, moving up a few spots using only picks doesn't seem too costly but the higher the Kings are trying to trade up starts to get too costly. So I wouldn't move up any higher than say pick #16 and that's only if someone the Kings are REALLY high on drops that far......
The other scenario would be if they are packaging players/prospects to move up.
I would rather see them take swings with multiple picks on players that the scouting staff feels has the highest upside.
Depending on which players drop on draft day I would rather they trade back the #19 pick for picks #30 and #34.