You can appreciate a lovely person. There aren't many here who would say Carrlyn is unattractive.
But your commenting on Carrlyn's looks every time she's on TV is creepy. You've been told that it makes several people uncomfortable and told by a mod to knock it off, and your response ranges between the laugh reaction and ignoring.
You could very well be harmless. I don't know you. But people have been stalked and harmed because others ignored similar warning signs.
I say this as serious as anything I've said before. If you are screwing around, please stop; you are making other people uncomfortable. There's also the possibility friends and/or family of Carrlyn is reading your posts, which is incredibly scary for them (as well as Carrlyn if anything is shared with her). This may be a shocker, but just because someone is attractive doesn't mean they feel comfortable with a stranger obsessively talking about their looks on a message board. If you aren't joking around, then please get help.