Also, I don’t agree with the “another tough play” remark on Broberg. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Broberg had some great shifts for Sweden. The US have a good team(s). It’s July and the players are rusty. I don’t think Broberg made any ill advised plays, but if you play with small marginals under these conditions, the ice isn’t the best either, plays will go in both directions. Overall I think Broberg had a very positive showing.
People like to pick on Broberg for making mistakes, I’ve seen it before, sometimes for various reasons there are sort of unconscious agendas against players. Confirmation biases or whatever. It was the same with Hedman, people loved Tavares and looked for faults in Vic’s game. Whatever, I am just speculating. Anyway, I think the critique against Broberg is total nonsense to be honest. Total nonsense. He is an 18 y/o PMD with good size, he is very skilled and he has a very dynamic game. He ends up on the wrong side of players or have a pass picked off once in a while — so what. All Ds have that at this age.
If Edmonton just is patient with him, I think it will show when he arrives.
I certainly don’t think kids should get a pass for everything just because they are pissed. But Broberg isn’t playing with his head under his arm, he just takes a bit too many risks. He could correct that by being more conservative, but nobody should want a D like him to be more conservative at this point, it would just hold back his development.