The camera angle is god awful!
This camera angle is horrendous.
This camera angle is weeeeird
Already not a fan of of this camera angle
This camera angle is god awful.
I hate this camera
Omg the camera angle is AWFUL.
that camera is way tooo close
wtf is that ****
Camera angle sucks big time. Yuck
It's way too low
The ice looks tiny as well.
This camera angle sucks
This camera angle makes it almost unwatchable.
oh my this is terrible to watch.. camera angle is horrendous and it moves too quick cause they have to zoom in too much
worst camera angle ever for an outdoor game
Came in to complain about the camera
The camera angle is ******* brutal.
Worst camera angle in hockey history
Did they pay a tweaker to man this terrible camera? Jittery as hell and terrible angle.
Wtf is this camera angle
I love watching a hockey game on TV where I can only see half the ice.
Amateur hour with this camera angle
Camera too low, looks like they're playing on a miniaturized rink.
Stopped in for complaints on the camera angle. Wasn't disappointed.
Looks like we're watching through the binoculars of an 80 year old in the 20th row.
Who thought this camera angle was good? Ugh.
CAN get first PP.