Montour has a chance to be that offensive game changer but I'm worried Randy will coach it out of him. It's interesting how Sami had his worst his play with Randy, but was good with BB and great with the Devils
I think the terms "game changer" and "game breaker" are being confused with "Flashy" personally. I don't think a "game changer" has to be someone that's flashy. A "game changer" (defenseman anyway) IMO is someone who's able to take control of the game on the backend. That's what, IMO, set's #1 guys apart from the rest. Lindholm has shown that ability on numerous occasions. That's why many of us feel he's got another level. He's shown it, we just need to see it consistently. Some just mistake that claim for saying his game is overall inconsistent, which is obviously not what we're saying. That elite level of play (overall) is what's inconsistent.
I do agree about what you said about Montour though. He's definitely got that potential as well. Fowler showed some of it 2 years ago, but he really took a step back last year. Not sure he's ever going to be more than a #2 personally.