Very curious to not see him in the 2nd game, especially with Pedrie and Gilmour getting an opportunity before him. I don't see the KHL out-clause as a guarantee of a spot for him.
I don't see much room for him so I am not sure how the KHL clause can guarantee anything, but let's give him some time. It's September, the month of sore groins and what not. Think the longer Camp goes on the more comfortable he will get.
I think people just need to relax a bit.

This organization knows what they are doing, there is a reason for why Gorton and Clarke was really high on him. With that said, like I said, we have little or no room, he could need more time to adjust to the NA game, he could opt to go back to the KHL instead of the AHL and so forth. A player don't change over night, some are acting like he could be Zherdev II in terms of attitude or have zero ability. I've not seen much yet -- if he is looking that bad he is hurt/started doing chrystal meth or something.
We signed him for a reason and definitely know what he is about, we have watched him for a while. For different reasons, this might not be the year for him. But don't worry too much, it's still there and we should be able to find it.
I know of one guy in Sweden that signed with a SHL team, huge shot for him, got an inflation in a toe/under a nail from running in new sneakers and tried to work through it without resting. He had to have three surgeries between March and August. He tried to work out the best he could but it turned out to be a lost year for him. He had a couple of rough years before he could get back. The marginals are small, but if you have done your due diligence you know what you got and can make it work down the line.