I don't agree. I have been to Russia and the Ukraine, dated a Russian girl for 8 years, learned and mastered both Russian and Ukrainian, played hockey there, and love both countries and the people there. The western media has vilified Putin and all the corruption at the top. The western media has not vilified the people living there, nor the beauty of the country. Pro Hockey players and their support squad are much smarter than this. That's like saying wise Europeans and Russians with good support squads and decision makers around them, wouldn't travel and vacation in Banff or Whistler or Vancouver, cuz that ***** Harper is in Ottawa. Too much is being made of Prague being beautiful (and thus Crosby et al would go there, but that St. Petersburg is bad (and thus Giroux and the remaining cream of the crop will take a pass). I've been to Prague and I've spent time in St Petersburg. Both are beautiful places with gorgeous girls everywhere. If Giroux and company take a pass, it is because they are exhausted/injured or have prior commitments and short summers coming up. It is not because of this mythical "Russia" factor. They all went to Sochi and there was all the same bad Russian bs before the Olympics also, and the reality is that all the players came back from Sochi raving about the place (and indirectly Russia).