Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Wow, Canada blamed refs, Sweden blamed refs and now Russia. Stay classy HF.
Painting entire fanbases with the same brush is about as classy as those who blame the refs.
Wow, Canada blamed refs, Sweden blamed refs and now Russia. Stay classy HF.
Suomi, Suomi, Suomi! So proud. See what a small country of 8M population can do ? Congrats to all of Finland. It was so nice to see Saku Koivu jump out of joy in the stands too.
Will Russia leave before the anthem?!?!?!?!
Suomi, Suomi, Suomi! So proud. See what a small country of 8M population can do ? Congrats to all of Finland. It was so nice to see Saku Koivu jump out of joy in the stands too.
That goalie bit so hard.
Suomi, Suomi, Suomi! So proud. See what a small country of 8M population can do ? Congrats to all of Finland. It was so nice to see Saku Koivu jump out of joy in the stands too.
Cut to the most-Finnish-man-in-the-world celebrating in the stands.
Kapenen shoulda stayed home, he has done nothing for his country - right guys?
Don't let them go. Shut the doors.