I love how
vorky never gets involved in arguments but posts facts generally supported with at least one source and well-structured opinions. Good and calm guy vorky strikes back!
When speaking about attendance,
finnish website felt it is important to write an article about attendance of Jokerit and CHL semifinal in Oulu on Jan 19. The result is attendance 9094 (Jokerit) vs 3394 (CHL SF Oulu/Lukko). It is at least interesting that finnish website compared the attendance, who knows why they did it.
Another topic. I am writing it here because I have not able to found better thread for it. There is a battle among Euroleague Basketball and FIBA about elite euro basket competition.
Source 1. Euroleague has been there for 15 years (current form) as elite competition in Europe. Euroleague signed 10y deal with IMG last year, which will reform the competition a bit. The Euroleague will be more or less a closed league (there will be one or two free spots, but majority will be created by A licence clubs which play every season). This model is similar to KHL vision (important is vision here). On the other hand there is FIBA which will create rival champions league, which be based on sportive principle. Like CHL in hockey.
So I want to say that basketball battle among Euroleague and FIBA reminds me KHL vs CHL battle. Do you feel it is same way? What league/idea (closed one league vs sportive principle) will be more succesfull in future?
This may be a relatively long post, mainly consisting of ideas for Euroleague but I would like to write it anyways since I believe, as you said, it's similar to KHL vs CHL.
The current Euroleague model is horrible and I hate it even when my team competes. Just a bunch of rich European teams competing for the cup after playing around 20 almost totally unnecessary matches. Since the Italians are gone mostly for economical reasons, Euroleague offers no surprise until last stages of top 16: CSKA, Real, Barcelona, Maccabi, Olympiakos and one or two random teams sprinkled in in the form of Panathinaikos, Fenerbahce etc. Splash money and win. No other team to surprise. No growth in European basketball in general.
For example, in this year's edition, Darussafaka Dogus is included. In fact, their original name is only Darussafaka but they are purchased by Dogus Holding which owns Garanti Bank and NTV in Turkey, now also a partner of Euroleague. Solely for this purpose, Darussafaka competed in group stages, even though they were eliminated in quarterfinals in Turkish basketball league in previous season. My questions,
1) Excluding Galatasaray which was ineligible to compete in Euroleague, why was not Banvit (eliminated in same stage as Dacka) or Trabzon (eliminated in semifinals, best Turkish team after the ones who already qualified for Euroleague via championship and A-license)?
2) If Trabzon and Banvit are not options for Euroleague, why was Darussafaka have to be chosen? I mean, you can give this wildcard to a German, Italian or French team. Why Turkey, when we already have three teams? Easy: Because bosses of Darussafaka are who pumps the money for Euroleague.
For this reason, I strongly oppose any kind of closed international tournament. Nationally, it may be viable but internationally, no. International tournaments are supposed to determine "the best" so every team should have their chances to prove themselves, in my opinion. So I totally support the idea of FIBA creating another league of theirs. Look at Eurochallenge. Few years ago, no one even knew that Danish could play basketball. Now, you can see Bakken Bears making it to second round, or some team from Estonia or Hungary put a good fight against relatively stronger ones.
The same should go for hockey. The countries and teams should be allowed to enter the international organizations as long as they deserve their place on ice. When you "close" the league and make only 10 or 12 elite European teams compete, it may generate profit for some time but in the end, it will turn into an event nobody cares except the fans of teams playing in edition, while providing absolutely nothing for European hockey in general.
As I previously stated in various posts, I really have no idea how such a UEFA-style, coefficient-based, open for all competition can be formed but I believe this should be the way to go for European hockey, if long-term prosperity is what's wanted.
I simply want to see Europe in general getting better at hockey, like Adler playing toe to toe against a top KHL team, or a team from Poland making history. Well, this is
unlikely to happen. But if you make an international, closed league only for the so-called "elite", it will be totally