Arturs Kulda is injured, Edgars Kulda has already returned to Latvia after losing his WHL play-off series.What is really up with Kulda?
Surprisingly, Armada lost as well, so we're waiting whether Jevpalovs is going to get called up to the Worcester Sharks, which probably is the most likely scenario. If that doesn't happen, he's going to be available as well.
Blugers is not a pro athlete, he's a student. He's not available right now, he's studying. You can't call him up for the entire duration of the training camp and the WC (6+ weeks). It would be unprecedented if someone were to include him in the final roster without testing him first.
There are also a few other CHL players available right now - Golovkovs, probably R. Lipsbergs. Egle from USHL. Most of them wouldn't make the World Champs, but it sure would be interesting to see how they hold up against pro hockey players.
Pujacs is injured and he returned to Riga only to get his injury re-evaluated. He hasn't joined the training camp.