I hope Melart plays himself on to the final roster, we need his kinda of player. Somebody who is ready to defend his teammates
Nope. The lineup was rather grind-heavy overall. Also, there were some odd roling choices like Kontiola, Lepistö and Hietanen on PK. They were clearly experimenting on things. And if Jalonen is smart, he'll now at least know what doesn't work. Overall, wouldn't read too much into it.Looks like Rantanen didn't get any icetime?
Given how we seem to have plenty of solid options for center, such as Barkov likely available, Immonen in form, Koskiranta and Kemppainen being hot... it'd seem pretty mental if Kontiola made it based on his name alone.I am hoping Kontiola either starts looking solid again or is left off... And that a couple of the Kärpät guys can make their world champ debuts...
I guess they had to draw the line somewhere. Even without Barkov, they likely have Immonen, Kontiola, Koskiranta and Kemppainen to contend. Wirtanen is more bottom-six material, but can also be moved upwards in a pinch. So... even without Hirso, they already have 6-7 guys of equal or higher quality. Making the decision between them will be hard enough already.Surprised Hirso wasn't invited. Even if he wouldn't make the team imo it would have seemed appropriate to invite him to camp as a reward for the season..
Hmm.. I think he's missed only one game this season and that was because he was sick IIRC.J.Jokinen is also a possibility, but the man says he needs a medical first. Basic awareness or something more concerning?
Ruutu says he's willing to go if they'll have him. Guess that's one topic to debate then.
J.Jokinen is also a possibility, but the man says he needs a medical first. Basic awareness or something more concerning?
I'd be fine with all of Ruutu, Komarov and Korpikoski on the team as long as they are considered part of the grinder quota instead of extra additions to the Euro grinders KJ's planning on bringing along anyway. In other words, it's guys like Osala, Hartikainen, Petrell, Joensuu, etc. who should be left off the team to fit in the aforementioned wingers.
Agrees with this, but would rather take Osala, Hartikainen instead of Ruutu.
They haven't been to the games before - thus would expect them to want it more. They still dream of an NHL contract while Ruutu..
Whether Ruutu belongs on the team over those 2 is a legit topic for a debate, but I don't see them making it over Tuomo.