As we go to OT the only way I can tie for gold is with Augustine getting a point on the winner that Eiserman also gets a point on. Otherwise PrntScrn wins gold and I'll win silver.
Statsy will wins solo Bronze if Hynninen, Uronen, or Kiviharju gets a point while Jokinen does not. Or if Hutson or Hensler gets a point while Perreault, Moore, and Connelly does not.Or if 2 of Hynninen, Uronen, and Kiviharju gets a point. Or if Hutson and Hensler both get a point.
93LEAFS gets the solo bronze if Jokinen gets a point while none of Hynninen, Uronen, or Kiviharju does. Or if Perreault, Moore or Connelly get a point while Hutson and Hensler doesn't. Or if 2 of Perreault, Moore and Connelly get points.
Statsy and 93LEAFS will split the bronze if Jokinen gets a point while 1 of Hynninen, Uronen, or Kiviharju gets a point, or if 1 of Perreault, Moore, and Connelly gets a point while 1 of Hutson, and Hensler get a point.
They will also split bronze if USA wins and none of Perreault, Moore, Connelly, Hutson or Hensler get a point. Antiilla can make it a 3 way tie if Hagens gets a point in that scenario. Statsy, and 93LEAFS will split Bronze if Finland wins and none of Jokinen, Hynninen, Uronen, or Kiviharju get a point. Antiilla can make it a 3 way tie in that scenario if Kumpalainen gets a point