Beef Invictus
Revolutionary Positivity
You can now own the insane Ripsaw mini-tank from the 'Fast and the Furious' franchise
Army tested, family
Pronounced Herbert by the suffering locals, it is the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel. The I-64 route into hell. It impacts the maximum draft available to the Navy and for ages they've threatened to move the carriers down to Florida unless the tunnel is addressed but nobody takes that seriously because the hurricanes are problematic enough and it's a pretty decent increase in annual fuel consumption to get assets up north where they're needed more anyway.
Edit: oh another reason the Navy is being told to pound sand is that they're the whole reason for the tunnels to begin with, the idea being that they can't be destroyed to use their wreckage to block the channels like you can with a bridge. They got their tunnels and by the 80s were already being cited as a security concern because of traffic bottlenecking as well as future draft restrictions. Everyone involved in the Navy in any way is obviously a nerd. A defective nerd, even.
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