Messier actually wasn't a great leader through much of the 80s. His transitional years were probably 1984-85 and 1985-86, during which he morphed from young firebrand with a short fuse to veteran team leader in waiting. He didn't become team captain until his 10th NHL season.
This is semantics. Substitute 1987 (Kent Nilsson thing, which is actually kinda terrible in retrospect) or 1990 and the same point holds. No Canuck fans EVER try telling Oiler fans that Messier wasn't a great player or great leader during his time with them.
But Oiler fans can't recognize their own biases and help themselves from commenting on shit they know absolutely nothing about.
Sorry, this is a massive straw man you're building. Literally no Oiler or Ranger fan has ever (that I've seen on this forum) told Canucks' fans they're wrong because Messier was great on other teams. That's just nonsense. What many of us have said is that Canucks' fans go overboard in blaming Messier for things he's not responsible for, and that the real culprit of that era in Canucks' history was incompetent management.
Oiler and Ranger fans spew absolute rubbish about things they know nothing about and didn't experience because Messier was great on their team. Period. End of story.
No Canuck fan has ever denied that there was incompetent management at this point. The problem is that Messier was part of that incompetent management and was acting as an AGM for the team during the 97-98 season. And even outside of that, 'the team had bad management' doesn't excuse his bizarre behaviour, enormous ego, or laughable lack of effort on the ice during his tenure with the team.
One thing Canucks' fans have never answered for me is, if this is all true, how did Canuck fans vote Messier team MVP in 2000?
Weird shit and politics comes up in this stuff. I was a season ticket holder that year and can tell you that I didn't have a vote in the matter.
Keenan pet Brian Noonan was voted the team's 'Unsung Hero' in 1998 after a season where he was absolutely crap and never played another NHL game again afterward, and fans were laughing about it from the second it was announced. Barry Pederson was suspiciously named the team MVP the year after the Neely trade in a seeming attempt to mitigate fan outrage. The Messier MVP thing was likewise a running joke from the instant it happened.