Not even close. I like Skjei and want him to live up to his potential, but he’s been at least as bad as he has been good. Maybe more bad than good.I feel like I'm the only one that's noticed this, but he's actually been good this season. Yes, there have been some bad moments, but overall, he's been one of our better dmen all season.
should be designated a UNESCO heritage siteHank's hair is a Nobel prize recipient
Don’t know how he doesHank looking magestic as ****.
Hmmmm? Vasi has been okay this year.Any other goalie we would be up 2 or 3-1.
Hmmmm? Vasi has been okay this year.
Is that last one enough evidence???No...that is not even remotely close to evidence for that.
I just wanna lose oneBrady is playing like he lost 20 Staals.
Ever notice the officials only let them play when it's calls we should have had????