News Article: Zack Kassian placed in stage 2 Part II - Mod Warning in Post#1


Registered User
Feb 10, 2011
"Hockey player drives truck into a Tim Horton's" sounds like a funny Onion headline while "hockey player under influence crashes truck driven by a young girl into a tree" does not.

Ok, I've missed a few pages, but how did he crash the truck into a tree if he wasn't driving?


Registered User
Mar 29, 2013
Speaks to my point about people not caring about alcohol abuse, and also crashing into a Tim Hortons is "haha how Canadian! what a silly canadian boy!!!"

I 100% agree that it's worse than Kassian's, but "Hockey player drives truck into a Tim Horton's" sounds like a funny Onion headline while "hockey player under influence crashes truck driven by a young girl into a tree" does not.

Yes Sir,
Some peoples drug of choice is alcohol. That is enough to take anyone down.
The odds that that type of individual becomes cross addicted is also greatly increased.
Whether it's pills or something else. But the combo is deadly.

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
This is the best thing that could happen to Kassian.

Now he's sitting at home looking at our amazing start and wondering why he let his addiction prevent him from being a part of this unique moment in Montreal.

Until today, his addiction had not prevented him from playing in the NHL, making millions, having fun whenever he feels like it however he feels like it. Hopefully this moment becomes a turning point in his life that convinces him he needs to change.


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