If you look at how his face turns to the side from the hit, instead of continuing to face straight and his whole head cranking towards his shoulder, you'd see what I mean. He caught little enough of his head for it to take much impact at all. Most of it was taken on his neck from his face turning to the side. Similar to what would happen if someone got punched in the nose from a side angle, versus being punched in the temple / ear / side of the head. Sure, one inch closer to his ear, and he may have had a concussion. I'm certainly not arguing the potential, just the reality of the hit itself. If it wasn't incidental like you say, then that means it was intentional, and even the DoPS disagrees with you. Avoidable? Yes. Intentional? No.
Damage taken aside, I did say that the message needed to be sent, and it's hard to disagree with the punishment since it was an avoidable headshot. I just don't agree with the "OMG Gourde is a dirty goon / was trying to hurt him / going for his head / no place for that in the game, he did it intentionally" stance a lot of people seem to be taking. There are plenty of other examples of truly dirty hits from players with dirty reputations that go unseen or unpunished, so I'm not trying to hear that garbage from other teams' hypocritical fanbases.
I think we all know that Yanni is going 110% at all times when he's on the ice, and is anything but a dirty player. Sometimes hits like that happen. I'm not going to be the one to perpetuate anything beside the fact that he should have made a last-minute course correction, and failed to do so.