Royal Canuck
Taco Enthusiast
I'm going to send request in for my team again. Sorry bout the melt down
No worries!
I'm going to send request in for my team again. Sorry bout the melt down
It'd be fun to play playoffs
Just a warning, that would add an extra 3 weeks or so to the year.
you guys staring a new season?
how does the regular season play out? actual games or simmed?
how many games in the regular season?
any room left?
If we have enough people that want to play if play out the season.
It seems as gm connected is dying out as the real NHL playoffs progress.
I'm wondering if we skip this season if we will even have people around to start next season as summer will be in full flight
Hey, I know I quit this league during like January but I was pretty busy then. If this league is still up in the summer I'd love to join! I would have more time to play