Thorne said:
5,2 million people / 32,5 million people. think about the capacity of Canada.
But it wouldn't be the first time mind goes over matter.
So...USA are over 250 million people and they're not in the final.
The main difference between Canada and other countries is the number of great players.
Canada could be build approx. 4 teams to compete for the cup/gold medal in every international tournaments such as World Cup, Olympics and World championships.
Some players who weren't invited for Canada...
Forwards: Bertuzzi, Lindros, Kariya, Tanguay, Nash, Ribeiro, Shanahan, Nolan, Primeau, Murray, Daze, Hartnell, Friesen, Comrie, Peca, Nieuwendyk, Dumont, Madden, Cheechoo, Recchi, O'Neill...
Def: Aucoin, Stevens, Stuart, McCabe, MacInnis, Boyle, Souray, Desjardins, Hill, Mclaren...
Goal: Turco, Giguere, Belfour, Denis, Raycroft, Joseph, Legace, Weekes...
More: Blake, Redden, Jovanovski, Yzerman are injured and we replace them with Hannan, Bouwmeester, Regehr and Lecavalier. We have Maltby, Marleau and Morrow in the scratch list.
So, tonight, Canada will win the Cup with Lemieux/Brodeur great performances!