This has been debated ad nauseaum but I will take the bait anyway: Great, but why stop there? Why shouldn't we seek equality in more serious forms of punishment as well, such as imprisonment? Shouldn't a single, unemployed drifter be given two, three times the jail time that you would give a family man with a day job and several dependants? After all, the latter has so much more to lose, and we are only interested in the punitive effect on the individual, right?
In fact this is exactly what the notorious higher courts in Savo did just a year or two ago. A convicted rapist and assailant or whatever was given significant reductions in his sentence because of exactly that. His employer even came up with a sworn statement, stating how going to jail might well have an adverse effect on his job prospects (no duh!) It caused a huge outcry all over the nation. How come? What's the difference?
If unlimited means-tested fines for minor speeding offences are the only way to keep our roads safe, I can't for all my life figure how pedestrians all over the world dare to cross a street. Think of the Norwegians with all that oil money to burn. Must be an open season for millionaires in their BMWs hunting mothers and old women on the open roads.
Can't you think of any other form of motivation for a guy like Salonoja to live and drive by the rules?