1) I am a huge Willy Styles fan. That being said, holy cow has he ever been leading this team this year in terms of sheer tenancy.
2) Joey Woll showing his small sample size last year was no fluke. This guy is for REAL but still, we need to ease him into a stater role as he has NEVER played 40 games in a season, anywhere. Sammy, love him or hate him, is ABSOLUTELY necessary to this team this season.
3) Anybody else noticing Knies "get up and go" so far? I don't think anyone has been more noticeable stride for stride while hunting pucks this year. Blows me away. Not saying his high end speed is the best, but off the block he absolutely jumps out at you.
4) I know I have mentioned Woll already, but it's a Woll thread, so he gets 2 mentions. Domi threw out the Price comparison and I hate to agree this early but I see it. I'm not sure I've ever seen a goalie this composed this early in his career. He always seems calm. Always in position. Nothing squeaks through him. Kid has real potential and I hope to God he reaches it and does so in the Blue and White.
5) Oh yeah, and people crying about Bert....Relax. He is coming along. It's hard playing with players who think the game waaay above what you do. Each game he seems closer and we are only 7 games in. By the time the playoffs come along, y'all will be fighting for room to swing from his n*ts haha.