Some thoughts...
- First, outstanding win. Giving up five goals isn't ideal, but scoring six (plus 2 EN) is impressive.
- I hate giving up a two-goal deficit, esp to London. That's playing with fire.
- The two goals weren't great, either. Costanzo diving for the first one and Cowan putting it 5-hole, then a turnover that's instantly in the goal? Nope.
- Props for the comeback in the second. You don't often score five against London, let alone in a single period.
- Three lines with points, plus at least two pairs. Tough to argue that.
- A physical affair; nothing overly dirty but chippy.
- The third London goal was off Eichler's stick. I don't blame anyone for that.
- Fourth London goal can't happen. A bad angle, finds a hole in Costanzo's legs. Nope.
- Fifth London goal shows that the Spitfires have an odd PK set-up in front of the goal. Julian was btwn Costanzo and his defenders, re-directs a pass home. You have to clear him out.
- Greentree's 49th. I wish he would have had his 50th but...
- The Greentree/Dickinson thing was odd. I still want a replay but it didn't look like Greentree did anything with malicious intent. He may have hit him in the back but nothing worth 5/GM. Hopefully the league sees it that way, too. I know fans were getting on Dickinson for needing the trainer but missing a skate blade will do that.
- Davis' end-to-end goal was a thing of beauty. McNamara doing something similar was also outstanding. Nice to know he has that in him.
- So, the whole Costanzo/Froggett/Walters thing. The post-game stuff is on YouTube. Walters has been frustrated with Costanzo allowing first-shot goals. He wants to see improvement. So, when Costanzo allowed the first one, he told Froggett to get in goal. Froggett went out, Costanzo refused to leave the net. Froggett comes back to the bench, surprising Walters, who goes "I'M the coach!" Costanzo finally accepts, heads to the bench, where he has a discussion with Walters. The option is given to go back in the game, Costanzo accept that, and has a solid outing. They talked at intermission, too. I'm a pro-Costanzo guy but to refuse to come out isn't right. You're struggling, we all see it, so it's time to figure it out. If it's mental, talk to someone before this boils over. I just hope they can figure it out.
- Very solid crowd of over 6200. They were loud and into the game.
- Last I heard is that Protas and Cristoforo are day-to-day; no real need to rush either one before the playoffs.
Get ready for Sarnia on Thursday.