Not yet, if we're being honest. Possibly next year.
Excellent 3rd Wheel though, can score goals no doubt.
Mmm...Maybe a right wheel to Marner's left at worst?
Interestingly, if you take the last five years - on trends:
Playoffs: Last 5 years: Nylander: 34 games played: 17 goals scored (32 pts.)
Playoffs: Last 5 years: Matthews: 35 games played: 13 goals scored (35 pts.)
Playoffs: Last 5 years: Marner: 37 games played: 6 goals scored (33 pts.)
Now I'm going to explain why I chose the last five years in the event anyone's spider-sense is tingling; When Marner's draft came up, my signature read: Make Mine Marner. So I'm qualifying that I was a fan from before he was drafted and noting how his first three years were encouraging, that is, before the money. That is:
Playoffs: First 3 years: Marner: 20 games played: 5 goals (17 points).
I think you (ACC) may be aware that I often make a pre-big money Marner argument as cause for optimism even in the face of certain unwanted contractual realities. But what the comparison does is make a case that as productive in the regular season as Marner has been - and he is remarkably consistent at first blush from '18-'19 to the present - he has trended the wrong way commensurate with his OHL trajectory and his first few years with the club, in the playoffs.
Matthews looks to have a pattern of two-on/one-off with a two-on set coming these playoffs.
Nylander on the other hand - apologist that I am - has improved, to say nothing of the eye test. Admittedly, he was a 3rd wheel (although I argued a long time ago his talent level was another story). However, he is no longer.
And to be sure I'm pulling for Marner's play at the start of the season (esp. November-Marner who weaves and drives straight to the net a la OHL-Marner) to emerge in the playoffs. Won't be too disappointed if he doesn't given expectations based on trend, sadly - July 1 and all that.