Imagine you're China in this respect. Imagine you're a guy throwing a huge party, spending billions, sparing no expense. You invite some performers to your party, they turn you down. But they say, "we wouldn't mind performing in your club sometime, just not during this party for which you have sunk billions of dollars and clearly care about the most."
Bettman is deluding himself if he thinks China will take him seriously without respecting the hard work they put into the Olympics. There is no market in China for hockey right now. The Chinese government decides who gets to be on the waves. If you cooperate, they might put the next NHL in China event on CCTV 5, prime time. If you don't cooperate, you might pour millions into hosting events in China only get shoved to some back channel where no one sees your sport that no one was a fan of before anyways.
Let's be clear. Bettman may not be serious about growing a market in China. A lot of business people these days talk about the pros and cons of trying to break into China. Many business experts don't think it's worth it. Maybe Bettman doesn't want China. That's fair. If he does, he will go to Beijing.