Eagle Eye Cherry
guitar player
I never understood this. Norway is neighbors with a hockey powerhouse in Sweden, also Finland and has the same temperature & climate ideal for hockey but for some reason, that's not the case. Instead we typically see Norway get thrashed at the World Juniors, World Championships, World Cup and Olympics.
Doesn't that strike you odd that Norway is not good at hockey?
Imo, I think they should've been good. All the other Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland, even Denmark to some degree are good at it but not Norway. I actually would prefer Norway to be good at hockey so the Olympics can have more quality competition. I always believe the more good and quality teams ice hockey has, the better it is for the health of the game.
What say you, hfboards?
Doesn't that strike you odd that Norway is not good at hockey?
Imo, I think they should've been good. All the other Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland, even Denmark to some degree are good at it but not Norway. I actually would prefer Norway to be good at hockey so the Olympics can have more quality competition. I always believe the more good and quality teams ice hockey has, the better it is for the health of the game.
What say you, hfboards?