Obviously, Drewiskie is his favorite player
PGT up? I thought Obama's performance was miserable. He needs to be traded.
PGT up? I thought Obama's performance was miserable. He needs to be traded.
seems like he did not realize the significance of 44 but maybe he did
Obama is either
1). Bitter that his blackhawks lost last night
2). He's got a busy schedule
I'll go with 2. But he didn't praise the Kings as much as the Galaxy. IMO.
lmao @ Pancakes
Dustin Penner @Dustinpenner25 1h
. @whitehouse what's the wifi password here?...... #LAKingsWH
As much as I rag on that guy for his play on the ice and his work ethic, I am quite willing to resign him again at a decent wage just for those puns.
And thanks Puck U for posting the videos. You do a great job around here!