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Obviously, not ALL fans in a given country value or disregard the same events to the same degree, but generally I've found that....
In Canada it's:
1) Olympics (best-on-best)
2) Canada/World Cup (best-on-best)
3) World Juniors (with more attention when we host)
4) World Championships (way down the list, widely seen as a "B tournament," overshaddowed by the Stanley Cup playoffs)
For best-on-best events (especially Olympics), you find bars packed with fans, street parties and car-honking in major cities. Major losses plunge the nation's fans into depression and lead to years of "what's wrong with Canadian hockey?" debates.
During the juniors, you find high TV viewership and Canadian host cities partying after big wins, with some mild national depression when we lose (especially if comes in a heart-breaker like 2004, 2010 or 2011).
At the WC you get some decent TV numbers, but no celebrations if we win and no sense of national doom if we lose.
For European fans I've always been under the impression that it's:
1) Olympics
2) World Championships ("their stanley cup" as it's often described in Canada)
3) Canada/World Cup (down significantly from the top 2, but with more attention if their team is doing well, like Sweden in 1984 or Finland in 2004)
4) World Juniors (way down the list, with a bit of attention when they host)
Europe's gold medals at the Olympics or WC usually result in street parties and a parade in the capital city, while WJCs are way more subdued, if even noticed.
In the USA:
1) Olympics
2) Canada/World Cup (especially if the US hosts a few games)
2) everything else (bordering on complete indifference with the exception of some die-hard Team USA fans like the ones on this board)
How accurate is my impression? What do you precieve the international hockey scene to be in your country?
In Canada it's:
1) Olympics (best-on-best)
2) Canada/World Cup (best-on-best)
3) World Juniors (with more attention when we host)
4) World Championships (way down the list, widely seen as a "B tournament," overshaddowed by the Stanley Cup playoffs)
For best-on-best events (especially Olympics), you find bars packed with fans, street parties and car-honking in major cities. Major losses plunge the nation's fans into depression and lead to years of "what's wrong with Canadian hockey?" debates.
During the juniors, you find high TV viewership and Canadian host cities partying after big wins, with some mild national depression when we lose (especially if comes in a heart-breaker like 2004, 2010 or 2011).
At the WC you get some decent TV numbers, but no celebrations if we win and no sense of national doom if we lose.
For European fans I've always been under the impression that it's:
1) Olympics
2) World Championships ("their stanley cup" as it's often described in Canada)
3) Canada/World Cup (down significantly from the top 2, but with more attention if their team is doing well, like Sweden in 1984 or Finland in 2004)
4) World Juniors (way down the list, with a bit of attention when they host)
Europe's gold medals at the Olympics or WC usually result in street parties and a parade in the capital city, while WJCs are way more subdued, if even noticed.
In the USA:
1) Olympics
2) Canada/World Cup (especially if the US hosts a few games)
2) everything else (bordering on complete indifference with the exception of some die-hard Team USA fans like the ones on this board)
How accurate is my impression? What do you precieve the international hockey scene to be in your country?