Which NHL team has the nicest jersey concept foursome of this bunch?

Det alt white
Caps dark blue
SJ black
Columbus alt white
Mon alts
St louis dark blue

Shout out to florida X out which kinda is fitting
The best:


I might be biased, but I think the Blues have the best set out of all the teams. The two above are simply beautiful. Even the darks with the gold stripes going across are decent despite being the weakest of the bunch.

I REALLY like the Capitals whites. The design is simple but the stars make it so they're not too simple. The color scheme is very unique while still being pleasing to look at. It would be difficult to make a dark version that's better than these.

I also really like the Lightning one. I really like powder blue (maybe I'm biased again because of the classic Blues jerseys), and the white/gray stripes really compliment the logo. The logo itself isn't that great in my opinion, but the color scheme saves it.

I've always had a soft spot for the Devils jerseys with green in them. I don't know why, I just like the subtle hints of green instead of the black. It's the same way I don't mind the early 90s Blues jerseys that had a hint of red. Green with red shouldn't work together just like red on a Blues jersey shouldn't work, but if done right I think they look great.

I've always loved the Whalers jerseys, and I think their logo is top 5 all time. I also have always liked the classic Oilers darks, so that's why those stuck out to me.

Those are the ones that stuck out to me as being the best. The rest are also really great, nothing much else to say about them. I would say about the Panthers one that I really like the darks, but the whites looked too similar to a Flames jersey, so....ya.

The worst:

The moral of the story here is that black-dominated jerseys are very difficult to pull off, and it's also difficult to really mess up a white jersey.

The Predators have the worst set of all the teams in my opinion, and I think their current uniforms are the worst in the league as well. It's not a good time to be a Preds fan when it comes to uniforms. The mustard yellow one isn't awful by design, it's just the colors and the logo that kill it for me. And the dark blue ones are just bleh.

The Panthers one is just...gross. It's too simple, and the X going across the torso is just...why? And the logo isn't any good either. Bring back the pouncing panther.

The Bruins bear logo is awful. I don't mind the brown, I just think the yellow needs to be more prevalent (either more/thicker stripes or possibly on the shoulders) and then add in some thin brown stripes on the sleeves instead of the weird pattern it has there. Overall, I think the Bruins are one of the few teams where black being the main color can work, so I think it could be pulled off, just not like this.

I hate the stars going across the Blackhawks jersey. I think some sort of shoulder design would have been much better looking.

I saw the black Sharks jersey and I thought "well, it can't get worse than that, can it?" But then...

The teal Sharks jersey...yikes. I don't mind the idea of having a descending color pattern like that, but it's just too many different shades. I think you could pull something like this off if you had white on the shoulders, then a light gray, dark gray, and eventually black at the bottom. But with the way it is now, the sleeves are just too busy while the torso is too simple. And please just go with the logo that has the Shark biting the hockey stick.

The rest are just "meh," and I don't have much else to say about them except for that.
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These are pretty good - in particular some jumping out at me are Detroit, Ottawa, Toronto, Colorado, Dallas, Calgary
Might have to give the prize to Ottawa for best combination of novelty and aesthetics (ie. Detroit's are great for example but not too different from the current ones)
IMO some seem to be clear downgrades from the current sets though, like NYR
As an aside, I personally would just totally revamp Nashville - I have yet to see any combination of mustard yellow and navy blue that looks good
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I like the black stars jersey just throw the old stars logo on it and get rid of the shitty new D one. Id buy it
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That florida jersey is the worst. It's not a coat of arms, a jersey shouldnt have diagonal lines like that. Can also do without the bear, or updated presds logo, and the double triangle Avs logo... also not a fan of the black centre Philly jersey. Full orange arms, makes it look like a cutout.

I'd say kings, rags, caps, ottawa/detroit in no order. Cant go wrong with Lakers colors, nor the old sens logo. Old caps and rangers jerseys are classics.

Edit - the more I look at that florida Jersey... the X clashes hard with the lines on the arms. Just awful.
If Chicago's didn't have the top shoulder stripes on two of them, it is them easily. I actually like Calgary's and Philly's (hate the team though) a decent bit. The Florida X jersey and Carolina Two-Flags jersey are runaway winners of the ugly jersey contest though! As a Wings fan, there are never really any creative attempts at third jerseys, as most of them stick so closely with the original designs. I think they all look nice for the most part, but there is never any other colours other than off-white or designs.
I can hardly tell anything has changed, looks pretty much like a selection of jerseys the teams have used over the years. I was hoping to see something original.

Given that- I like the Blackhawks jerseys.
Do people really get excited about "supposed" changes to original 6 team jerseys? They are all always the same and boring. Yes the basic concept is great but come on. A leafs jersey is a leafs jersey is a leafs jersey
Do people really get excited about "supposed" changes to original 6 team jerseys? They are all always the same and boring. Yes the basic concept is great but come on. A leafs jersey is a leafs jersey is a leafs jersey

I mean these are just some person's concept design and it can be interesting to check out new designs. In real life those 6 designs will likely never change much (which is good, they're all pretty nice).
I'm not sure if you want to see bolder changes or no changes, but either way it's just a hypothetical.
I mean these are just some person's concept design and it can be interesting to check out new designs. In real life those 6 designs will likely never change much (which is good, they're all pretty nice).
I'm not sure if you want to see bolder changes or no changes, but either way it's just a hypothetical.
Oh no I get what the op did and it's fun and they look good but what I'm saying is even when there is a press release that says the leafs (for example) will be wearing a new version of their jersey it's always the same with a stripe moved higher or something. Like when the caps have a new jersey it's a completely new jersey. I get the orginal leafs Jersey is nice
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Ones i like, in no particular order - Leafs, Wings, Bruins, Kings. Honorable mention to Philly, their jerseys always look mean to mean.

Ones I hate - Vegas, Sharks, Arizona, Avs
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