Marner for sure.
He's appeared in 25 playoff games...
+3 once.
+2 twice.
+1 four times.
0 eight times.
-1 six times
-2 twice
-3 once.
Honestly, Marner is a double-bladed sword when it comes to the playoffs. You want to play safe playoff hockey against the Leafs?
Just keep getting in on Marner, and sooner or later he'll cause a turnover that will lead directly into Leaf fans blaming a defenseman
and goalie for not stopping a 2-on-1.
Multi-millionaire Marner is a -2 in the playoffs for the Leafs. At 5-on-5 he's produced 1.25 points/60 in the playoffs. Compare that
to Connor Brown who played a safer game, produced 1.15 points/60 in the playoffs and was a plus 2. In 20 playoff games, Brown was
only a minus player twice btw.
The only goal in the playoffs is to win. Marner just doesn't know when and when not to hotdog out there. If I were coaching against
the Leafs in the playoffs and the game was out of reach, I'm making sure my players aren't checking Marner too tight. I'd want to see
him score some useless points to encourage his play-style... because it might help in the next game.