which do you prefer?

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Registered User
Oct 12, 2005
My team just recently lost in the playoffs and now are playing in a meaningless losers bracket. I have a game on Wedensday the 16th. My brother called me up yesterday and told me he had flyers tickets for the same day for the flyers-pitt game. I love playing hockey and i love the flyers. i was just wondering what you guys would do because im not really sure what one to do...?


Registered User
Oct 12, 2005
Dan Galvin said:
Play. You made a commitment to the team when you signed up for losers bracket or not. Also you only have so much time to play,but the rest of your life to watch.

the day i cannot play hockey again hopefully is the last day of my life. i mean why live if you cannot play hockey. that is like trying to live with no air. it's an essential of life.

Qui Gon Dave

Registered User
Aug 3, 2005
Cheshire, England
phillyphan said:
i mean why live if you cannot play hockey.

So you can get a coaching job and shout at other people for not playing hockey the way you want them to? :dunno:

I know what you mean though, hockey is a huge part of life to me too, if i couldn't play i can't imagine how i'd get through the week. But i'm a fan of Saku Koivu, a man who knows that hockey is not more important than life. Even when i can't play due to injury, i can still get a fix of hockey in other ways, the main thing is to stay healthy so you can enjoy it all the more. At least thats the way i see it.

As for your original question, i'd say play for your team. I know this means passing up on an opportunity to watch a team with some great players (Pittsburgh ;) ) but you gotta be there for your team. Besides, even though missing the game with your brother may suck, maybe you can tape it and watch it back with your brother/team and enjoy it that way.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2005
St. Paul, Minnesota
phillyphan said:
the day i cannot play hockey again hopefully is the last day of my life. i mean why live if you cannot play hockey. that is like trying to live with no air. it's an essential of life.

heh heh. That's funny I've always thought the same thing. I'll probably always try to play or at least get out and skate as long as I can still stand up and take a breath...
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