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The bolded simply is not true, neither for McDavid individually or for the team. If you go back to the beginning of 2022-23 the two played together 1111 minutes and apart 1953 minutes 5 vs 5. The Oilers GF% with both on the ice is 62.77% with a 4.64 GF/60 5 vs 5. With only McDavid these drop to 54.59% and 3.47 GF/60. McDavid's individual scoring rate 5 vs 5 over that period is 3.45 pts/60 5 vs 5 and away from him it drops to 2.85 pts/60. And that is despite the fact that away from Leon his wingers are probably Nuge and Hyman while Draisaitl is getting a combination of third and fourth liners much of the time.McDavid is as dominant with or without Draisaitl the same way that Wayne was as dominant with or without Kurri or Mario was with or without Jagr.
I don't think many people think McDavid would not be as good on any other team; you cannot say the same about DraisaItl.
I have him on the same tier as MacKinnon and Kucherov BTW.
In the playoffs the difference is even more pronounced. Over the last three playoffs the two have played together 374 minutes 5 vs 5 and McDavid has an individual scoring rate of 4.33 pts/60 with Draisaitl and 2.41 pts/60 away from him. The team had a 69.09GF% with the two on the ice and a 57.41% with only McDavid. In that same period they scored 6.1 GF/60 with both on the ice and 3.41 GF/60 with only McDavid.
It's pretty clear to anyone who watches these two regularly that you simply do not know what you are talking about when it comes to either Oiler player.
And for record, since you brought up Kurri, in his last two years playing almost exclusively with Gretzky as an Oiler Kurri had 108pts in 79 games and 96 pts in 80 games. In the two years after Gretzky left he had 102 pts in 76 games and 93 in 78. Maybe just give that a thought.
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