Whats everyone think of Ovechkin's visor?

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lol, same been said of goalies, how they can eye a hot chick in the audience.
oh wait a sec, that was on dave letterman, me thinks. or me forgets. :)

Steve L said:
Am I the only one who thinks he wears it so he can eye up women in the crowd without pissing off his coach? ;)
I think it looks pretty cheesy. No problems with it, though. On him it may fit his persona (not the fact that it's cheesy).
Steve L said:
Am I the only one who thinks he wears it so he can eye up women in the crowd without pissing off his coach? ;)

He better get used to eyeing out the girls cause with that face, he'd better wear that visor off the ice as well. He will have a hot chick because he will be rich, but man, is he one ugly kid.
Jocksta18 said:
He better get used to eyeing out the girls cause with that face, he'd better wear that visor off the ice as well. He will have a hot chick because he will be rich, but man, is he one ugly kid.

He can pull a Ricky Williams then. Perhaps Ricci should consider wearing one of these.
Habsfan 32 said:
I think it looks good because it hides is ugly face but I have no problem with it but the other teams probably do.

the only thing is if he trys that "taunting" again, I hope Phaneuf catches him sleeping and rocks him without that ugly visor down...
I'm not gonna pass judgement on 'hockey fashion' here even though I personally wouldn't wear something like that because I think it would make me look a bit silly. But my main concern would be the effect it has on goalies, I mean theoretically it could give the shooter quite an advantage and I definitely would like to see them outlawed. Fashion has no place in hockey and I don't see what the problem is with clear visors anyway, I've used a clear visor for ten years now and I haven't had any trouble that would make me think 'hey wait a sec, if my visor was tinted it would fix that!'.

I just don't see the point really. And all these people who 'want' show boating in hockey...what on earth have you been smoking? Leave the integrity in the game please.
Seperatory Funnel said:
Sidney Crosby needs to respond with a reflective full face shield.
No, Sidney needs to respond by scoring against Ovechkin's line ,then skate by
and say:"nice visor" :D .
It just me or did Theo Fleury use to wear the same visor in his New York or Chicago days? He had a fairly darkly tinted one at least.
88Nords19 said:
It just me or did Theo Fleury use to wear the same visor in his New York or Chicago days? He had a fairly darkly tinted one at least.

Fleury had one like Hossa's, just a dark tint to sheild some of the lights directed at the surface.

Personally, I think it's pathetic, if your good you don't need anything to show off except your play.
88Nords19 said:
It just me or did Theo Fleury use to wear the same visor in his New York or Chicago days? He had a fairly darkly tinted one at least.

He did it to keep from looking hungover.
Visor's that don't let the opponent see your eyes should be banned. That is a cheap way to gain an advantage (which is why I suspect Ovechkin is using it, and not for the cool look). Yellow, Blue, Pink, are all fine, as long as the eyes are visible.
Egil said:
Visor's that don't let the opponent see your eyes should be banned. That is a cheap way to gain an advantage (which is why I suspect Ovechkin is using it, and not for the cool look). Yellow, Blue, Pink, are all fine, as long as the eyes are visible.

I was going to say the same thing...there will probably be a couple kids that will say "that's bull, you don't need to look at the eyes" or whatever, but the bottom line is, that visor gives the player wearing it an advantage, no matter how slight.
i dont like it. i dont know what its purpose, but really i tend to not like any visor that isnt clear. weinrich had that weird yellow one, i dont like alfie in his tinted visor now, and i dont like this mirrored visor, it looks stupid. its not bright inside the arena's, just stick with a clear one.
bleeding blue said:
I dont like Ovechkin at all but that visor is pretty hot. It makes him stand out and thats what I would want if it were me out there playing. Alot of guys in the NFL have those reflective visors too and they look rugged as hell with them. Sean Taylor had one last year at Miami and you couldnt take your eyes off him during the game......it definately adds a little flair to someone's look.
they play outdoor...
I'm thinking that Ovechkin should be thankful that the mirrored surface is not on the inside, otherwise he'd ugly himself to death during the pre-game skate!

westcoast said:
But my main concern would be the effect it has on goalies, I mean theoretically it could give the shooter quite an advantage and I definitely would like to see them outlawed.

I'm a goalie and I once played against a guy wearing one of those visors. It never bothered me at all, besides I'm watching the puck whenever he has it anyways.

That's just me anyways.,,
I like it, I think it's pretty cool, and as for being "unfair" I look at it this way, if all players wore it, then it'd be the same for all guys and not really "unfair". I think it's worse that some goalies wear huge pads, that's a more "unfair" piece of equipment.

But yeah as I said, I like Ovechkin's visor, just like Nik Antropov's blue visor (see the link), I don't mind if some players wanna "stand out" by wearing that kinda stuff.

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