Reminds me of when I was playing on the high school team and had to sit out a road game cause my helmet went missing. I could have easily borrowed another, and it wasn't my fault at all since equipment regularly got "borrowed" in the storage room and not returned.
As a 13-14 year old kid, I was already feeling the disproportionate punishment and unfairness of these arbitrary rules. Point which was obviously driven home the very next game as one of the team's stars suffered the same fate. By that, I mean that his helmet was misplaced. He got to play anyway though and faced no consequences, and I distinctly remember the coach going through the trouble of finding a replacement helmet for him.
Needless to say I immediately lost all of my remaining respect for the coach and whatever was left of motivation to slug it out thanklessly on the third line. I did learn a valuable lesson though and somehow still remember it 25+ years later.