What is Malkin missing from being the best player of his generation?


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Aug 25, 2009
Being on the same team as Crosby he was always gonna be second fiddle. If he left as a UFA and helped a bad team turn around or made a good team great im sure it would be a better legacy. But there is always gonna be an 87 shaped shadow hanging over his career

the mcdavid era

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Jul 10, 2017
Malkin should ask for a trade. He's already won 3 cups with Crosby. It's time to cement his own independent legacy and compete on a different team.


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Jun 16, 2009
Probably just being healthy. There were times that he looked better than Crosby. Maybe consistency issues too? I dont know everytime Ive seen him healthy he looks damn good to me.

Nadal On Clay

Djokovic > Nadal > Federer
Oct 11, 2017
Durability counts. At the end you are ranked all time by the number of goals and the number of points. Its why Gretzky is ranked above Lemeiux and why Willie Mays is ranked above Mickey Mantle. Points goals, Home Runs, hits per game don't count. It only suggests a player could have been more.

Was Gale Sayers a better running back than Walker Peyton. On a given day maybe but Peyton is the greater player.

That’s why Mark Messier is ranked ahead of Mario Lemieux...



Surrounded by Snowflakes
May 26, 2011
South Of the Tank
I didn't say Malkin only gets his pts because of his matchups, but it is a factor. Even in 11/12 his PPG was higher with Crosby in the lineup. But my point was in response to the poster saying that Malkin would have more pts if he was the pens 1C. He would be the 1C if he was better than Crosby. He's not and we both agree on that so whatever lol.

I know that, but that's not the point. The poster said Malkin gets the "garbage players" while Crosby gets the "best wingers". That's obviously not true which is why I brought up Kessel.
I agree it’s a stretch to say, but still we never know. His PPG is higher with Crosby out of The lineup. Either way both benefit from eachother.

I wouldn’t say Crosby or Malkin have the better of anything. It’s all about chemistry. Both have played with inferior linemates and did extremely well. I don’t think it should matter at all.
Yes, he has 9 finishes in the top 10 in PPG. But look at Crosby and Ovechkin. Crosby finished top 4 in 11 straight years, including 1st in 5 straight years. Ovechkin finished 1st in 3 straight years. From 2007 to 2015, only people named Crosby and Ovechkin finished 1st. Malkin has never finished 1st in PPG.

I'm not saying Malkin is bad by any means. He's really good, and definitely a joke he was left off the top 100 list. But I don't see an argument for best of his generation.
My point was a healthier Malkin would make thing a lot more close to Crosby and Ovechkin in terms of production. Especially with the way Ovechkins point totals dropped, a healthy Malkin very well could have been up there multiple times with Crosby, perhaps even slightly ahead in the scoring race. Who knows though, but we have seen a Malkin, even as recent as a year ago, best Crosby in the scoring race. He’s fully capable of it, same goes for Crosby.

He’s second to Crosby in PPG for a reason. He deserves that recognition, all I’m saying is between the two...it’s closer than the stats and awards show.
Durability counts. At the end you are ranked all time by the number of goals and the number of points. Its why Gretzky is ranked above Lemeiux and why Willie Mays is ranked above Mickey Mantle. Points goals, Home Runs, hits per game don't count. It only suggests a player could have been more.

Was Gale Sayers a better running back than Walker Peyton. On a given day maybe but Peyton is the greater player.
i agree, Crosby and Ovechkin being healthier does swing everything in their favor and rightfully so.

All I’m saying is people have been using Malkins lack of top offensive stat finishes, and his lack of hardware without some
Major context. But again I’m not saying Malkin gets the benefit of the doubt in terms of what he could have done, but he still had a lot of evidence of what he could have done if healthy. It’s a shame though that it has affected him so much.
I think peak Crosby and Ovie was better than peak Malkin, Ovie for certain imo. And Peak Malkin was a shorter period of time as well
debatable. We never really saw Peak Crosby play out. All we have is shortened seasons, Ovechkin at his peak was a beast and his did last longer, but like I said, Peak Malkin most likely has the best single season out of both of them. It wasn’t long, and yes Crosby was injured.....but let’s not forget how much more dominant he was compared to the other two. Ovechkins peak was better than both IMO, but I’ll always see Malkin as having the single best peak season post lockout.
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Jun 16, 2009
And if we apply the same health to Crosby?

I give the edge to Crosby because he has been the healthier of the two and like I said questionably above, maybe is more consistent as a player too? I dont watch him as much as Pens fans do.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2009
Geno's top end is higher than Sid's but Sid consistently has played at his top end more than Geno imo . This and a Russian isn't going to get the same credit as a Canadian .

both are tremendous players and have been a pleasure to watch , Pens fans have been spoiled over the years having these two and Mario/Jagr to cheer for
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Apr 4, 2003
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I give the edge to Crosby because he has been the healthier of the two and like I said questionably above, maybe is more consistent as a player too? I dont watch him as much as Pens fans do.

There is a significant gap in their careers PPGs so, yes, consistency on the offensive end to go with better all around play would put Crosby on top if both were healthier.
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Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
There is a significant gap in their careers PPGs so, yes, consistency on the offensive end to go with better all around play would put Crosby on top if both were healthier.

Yea. I like Malkin a lot though. When he was on it was hard to find a better player.


Registered User
May 20, 2012
Why isn't he #1C on the Pens then?
Do not have a clue.
After AR and 36P CS on the same year I'd make him 1C for next seasons.
Being a leader inspires him.
From one of his interview:
-What you've learned from Crosby?
-A bit of English maybe.


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Jun 17, 2009
Pens have really not missed a beat when one or the other was out of the lineup:

With Crosby but without Malkin: 121 games, 69 wins, 42 reg losses, 10 OTL. Pens average 1.22 pts/gm = 100 pt season
With Malkin but without Crosby: 120 games, 68 wins, 38 reg losses, 14 OTL. Pens average 1.25 pts/gm = 102.5 pt season

Average 82 game record from 2006-2019: 48 wins, 26 losses, 8 OTL = 104 points
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Surrounded by Snowflakes
May 26, 2011
South Of the Tank
I think it’s silly people are using the whole “who’s the first line center though?!” Against Malkin. Crosby came into the league as an 18 year old Canadien prodigy, Malkin....a talented Russian with high hopes. Crosby was going to be the number one center regardless, and instead of Malkin getting egotistical, he accepted it and did what he did. When it came time to fill Crosby’s shoes as the top center, he silenced all critics.

I see it as the same as Sakic and Forsberg. Both fully capable of carrying a top line, both fully capable of achieving great things. But who was better? Many days Sakic, many say Forsberg. Either way Forsberg proved himself the same way Malkin did, and that’s that he doesn’t need Crosby(for Forsberg, Sakic) to be a top player in the league.
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Apr 4, 2003
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He wouldn't be as good as a consistent Malkin. That poster was pretty clear with their meaning.

No, the poster questioned Malkin's ability to be consistently at, or close to his peak, unlike Crosby.

Their respective PPGs, Art Ross finsishes and PPG finishes clearly show Crosby to be more consistent and arguably better "at his best".


Registered User
Nov 24, 2017
Find a way to make Jack Johnson a decent d-man and not a black hole and he’s the best player of his generation.


Surrounded by Snowflakes
May 26, 2011
South Of the Tank
No, the poster questioned Malkin's ability to be consistently at, or close to his peak, unlike Crosby.

Their respective PPGs, Art Ross finsishes and PPG finishes clearly show Crosby to be more consistent and arguably better "at his best".
Malkins 2012 season was nearly on par with Crosby’s 2011 and 2013 seasons. The only difference is Malkins season played out where as Crosby’s ended abruptly, making his PPG look superior.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2008
What a bunch of poor excuses for a player who supposedly did not meet his potential. You are naive to think that Malkin would not have gotten the #1C position if any of the Pens' four coaches thought he would have done a better job than Crosby.

His proneness to injuries hurt his legacy.

ur obsession over crosby took over again, its not about crosby, he does not need to be better than crosby to captain a team.

him staying on the pens hurt his legacy and development. of course now its arsine to even compare him in a leading role to some1 who has been the captain for 10+years. that is my point, that chance now is gone... he should have switched teams maybe after his first cup when he won the smythe.

he would be a god in edmonton, toronto, new york, montreal etc.
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Oct 8, 2010
Greg's River Heights
Crosby had higher PPG seasons then Malkin at their peaks and he continues that trend this season. Better in the playoffs as well when looked at in their entirety. On top of being the better offensive player Crosby's clearly is the better all-around player. Malkin is largely one-dimensional. That small crack in greatness between the two becomes a crevice when factoring in play without the puck.

As of now, Crosby is a top 10-15 hockey player of all-time while Malkin is around the top-50. They are simply in different tiers.
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