What do you think needs to be done?

Run the Jewels

Make Detroit Great Again
Jun 22, 2006
In the Garage
Poll time. The Wings are obviously not a good hockey team right now. There seems to be some debate about how easy/hopeless it is to turn this season around. So what do you think is the one move that would improve this team to the point where they are competitive and at least play entertaining hockey?

1. Fire Blashill and bring in a new coach.
2. Make a trade to upgrade defense.
3. Make a trade to upgrade forwards/scoring.
4. Go with a full on youth movement.
5. Goon it up. Make Reg Dunlop proud.

If there are any other suggestions post them and I can add them as necessary.


hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
It might be worthwhile to include the option of, "There's no single move that would do the trick."


Registered User
Feb 1, 2016
No trades - the time we could've gotten anything useful is long past. Firing Blashill is lateral at best - sure the line management sucks, but when your underlying talent sucks, there's not a lot that juggling your lines is going to improve (that said, if Lashoff stays in the lineup, Blash should be fired for that alone). The youth movement will end the minute guys get healthy, if for no other reason than because we spent to the cap.

I'm going to vote for goon it up - watching Nyquist, Sheahan and Tatar try to play tough will at least be incidentally entertaining.


Feb 13, 2004
Auburn Hills
Blashill is an issue and I think he needs to be fired, but it's all talent related. We can all talk about how we didn't draft highly, or we didn't have the assets to make trades. That's all fine. But we need more talent, we need ELITE talent.

How is Holland going to address that? Does he even care? I don't know anymore. He seems to only care about making the playoffs, yet his 'formula' to make the playoffs doesn't work when you don't have the talent.

So fire Blashill but do not allow Holland to choose another coach. Time for him to move up and get someone new here.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2007
Poll is flawed since there's no one thing to fix what we have here. Multiple issues.

Truth is I don't know what we should do as there's no quick and easy fix. We need elite talent. At this point I'm rooting for the best draft pick and selling some assets at the deadline to get more higher picks. The way I see it, the more picks the better percentage we have at drafting elite talent. And I certainly don't trust or believe Holland has the ability or resources to acquire elite talent outside of the draft.

It's the first time in my life I'm hoping for more losses as a Red Wings fan. I think it's simply the best route for the long term success of the organization. I want championship level hockey again and we're not close right now.

As much as I love playoff hockey, I don't logically see how it would benefit us at the moment.

Mister Ed

Registered User
Dec 21, 2008
I think there isn't one move that will improve the team.

That being said, I would welcome a trade to at least shuffle the personnel here, like inquiring on Duclair, R. Murphy or Grigorenko, just to change the chemistry of this team, it feels off.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2016
I just googled news on Ken Holland, and the only recent mainstream article on him is from November 6. :laugh: The Wings stranglehold on the media is hilarious yet disturbing. Any other hockey market would have ran at least a few articles in the past few weeks on Ken Holland's job performance.

Anyway, I'm fully on board with firing Blashill at this point. I think he's far from the main problem, but he is one of them - one that can easily be remedied. And I think there's a lot of value in seeing how a team performs under a different coach for half a season when you're entering the uncharted territory of a rebuild.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Goon it up.
Right now we're tied for fourth in fighting majors with 13. Anaheim leads the league with 22. I believe that we can catch up to them by the end of the year. Stanley cups will shortly follow.

Trading to upgrade defense would also be helpful but we all know that's not going to happen.

Lazlo Hollyfeld

The jersey ad still sucks
Mar 4, 2004
I chose "trade to upgrade defense" but as many have pointed out it's multiple issues. And it's not something they can really do at the moment.

Firing Blashill is pointless right now unless some great coach becomes available. And I can't imagine the Wings fire Holland either. We're stuck with him for one more season until his contract expires and then can only hope he moves on and they bring in someone with fresh ideas.

If he re-signs as GM, then we continue to watch a great franchise slowly fade away...

Frk It

Mo Seider Less Problems
Jul 27, 2010
A trade to upgrade forwards or defense is not feasible.

1) we have no cap space
2) the only assets we have that other teams want are Mantha and Larkin, and we are probably better off keeping them if we are about to undertake a re-build

You can fire Blashill. That's about all you can really do to hope for a different outcome with this roster.

If/when the team continues to stink, at that point maybe you accept that you are a bottom 10 team and are a seller at the deadline. That would be the only situation I see a trade makes sense for us. I don't think the Wings will be very accepting of this team failing though, so I doubt it happens. But I would like to trade Vanek/Helm/Green at the deadline if we continue on the path we are on.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2010
During our legendary 6 game win streak, didn't we have a fight per game or close to it?

Since then there hasn't been much.

Therefore, goon it up.


Registered User
May 10, 2011
Detroit, MI
There's got to be a way to ease the pressure from the media off of Z and Kronwall's heads. No interviews after losses. Or allow the team and Holland to be more candid about the lack of elite talent. He already stated we weren't a contender, well take it a step further to lower expectations.

Zetter and Kronner should flat out admit they aren't the superstars they once were and because of success the Wings haven't had the high drafts necessary to regenerate. State that the team is trying (which they did say last night) but it isn't clicking and they're sorry. Honesty could do wonders for them and the team. Regardless of what we think of the effect of losing Smith, Abdelkader, and Helm, why aren't they playing up the injury excuse in a bigger way?

The late goal in the 1st to go down 2-1 you could read Howard and the boys' body language. Probably the most open display of sadness/frustration I think I've ever noticed this era of the Wings (besides a PO exit). As Sidney Crosby said this week, winning is fun. But even losing the Wings have to find a way to relax and enjoy the game or it could get worse. It is a GAME remember...


Registered User
Nov 5, 2011
Redford, MI
Jettison anyone of value over 25. Stockpile whatever picks and prospects you can whilst riding out the terrible cap situation.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2011
GPP Michigan
Step 1. Fire Ken Holland

If that doesn't happen, any other moves, trades or signings will be pointless.

Assuming that does happen.

Step 2. Trade Green and Vanek for draft picks
Step 3. Attempt to trade Howard for a draft pick
Step 4. Attempt to trade Helm and Gator for anything
Step 5. See if Nielsen will waive his NTC and let him know the Wings are entering year one of their rebuild
Step 6. Accumulate top five picks for the next 2-3 years and hope you end up assembling a quality core


Registered User
Aug 11, 2009
Simple, be honest

Be honest with themselves, the players and rhe fans

Stop lying or taking the fans for morons ir worse, for granted.

Do that and the hardest part is done.

Then the work begins

Trade Vanek, Tatar, Miller, jurco, Sheehan, and howard for picks and prospects

Buyout Ericsson

Accept losing for 1-3 years and stockpile picks

Play the kids. No more vets taking top minutes. No more role players getting more than 10mins TOI.

Get a new GM and a new coach for next season.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2009
Just let the young guys play big minutes and succeed or fail on their backs. If they fail, well, it can't get much worse than it is now. We are already a bottom 5 team by nearly all measures.

If they improve? Great!

The worst things the Wings can do the rest of the year is continue playing "safe" players and hoping to score goals.


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