What are the Biggest Oscar Snubs Ever? Whadda ya got?
Shakespeare In Love winning Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan?
Kramer vs. Kramer winning Best Picture over Apocalypse Now?
Dances with Wolves winning Best Picture over Good Fellas?
The English Patient winning Best Picture over Fargo?
Taxi Driver & Network losing to Rocky for Best Picture?
A Clockwork Orange not winning any major awards? Neither Director nor Screenplay (both were credited to Kubrick)
Pulp Fiction & The Shawshank Redemption losing to Forrest Gump for Best Picture?
1. Well, other than the first 20ish? minutes of Saving Private Ryan the movie is bleh (typical Hollywood movie that tries too hard past the 'shock value' of the first part). I have never seen Shakespeare In Love.
2. Apocalypse Now dragged and dragged, Yeah it had good performances but it was far too long and boring by the end (I have tried to watch it many times and it is a bore). Kramer vs Kramer I remember watching and it kept entertained (many years ago when movies came on TV).
3. I am with you there.
4. Never seen The English Patient but I do not get the appeal of Coen Brothers movies (I have tried and while Fargo is 'ok' I do not get them).
5, Rocky was very good - perhaps it does not hold up but it deserved it at the time.
6. A Clockwork Orange is another that I do not get the appeal of (I know I am not artsy/film buff but outside of a few scenes it is a drag like most, actually all Kubrick films).
7. While Pulp Fiction and Shawshank are a couple of my favorite films ever, Pulp Fiction has very little appeal to the masses. Shawshank did but Forrest Gump had much more appeal.
Flame on....