Next time Phil goes to Chicago, you just know where he's gonna go & who's lovable black & gold pal he's bringing. Because it matters, see? Aaaaah Yesssss!!!
The most ****ed up thing about that was when the guy sprayed customers with fake puke. I hope those were production staff filling in for actual customers. I'd be ****ing pissed. Having to walk around all night with ketchup and corn chunks all over me. That dog is an a-hole.
"Nothing gets past you, *****... especially the carbohydrates!"
I don't think Kessel would fair too well in that environment. You need someone more like Torts to go in there. I'd pay good money to see that.
"Listen to me you ****in' grease-jockey, I'm the coach for the ________, we got a game tonight and I didn't come here to listen to you run your mouth. Now give me the ****in' char-dog or...."
"B ITCH I don't care WHO you is. Thinkin' you can come up in here with your fancy white-man hockey talk and impress ME! Put yo' ****in' money in the tip-jar and take your char-dog and go play your cold-ass hockey game. Who the **** wants to stand around shiv'rin all day on a block of ice anyway, you stupid ************! Don't you have any common sense?"