In looking at this, a split in this last two games is a success.
I feel like if we win sunday, the hype going into the Detroit game is going to loud. An 8 game win streak vs 11 game win streak super bowl preview. Given detroit will have extra rest and we will be coming off west coast trip, I think detroit will be hyped out of their minds. Its not going to be an 'unwinnable' game, mind you, it simply will guarantee Detroit is up and at their full attention.
On the flip side, if we lose Sunday, the week by week media machine is going to turn on the bills pretty quick. No one will give us a chance vs the juggernaut Lions. The Lions coach was calling his own team a 'team of destiny' last week after the win. So the Lions hype would be obscene.
If we win both, then get ready for the absolutely intolerable bandwagoning by the Media.
If we lose both, the only real effect it has is we likely won't get the bye and could be the 3 seed vs the 2 seed. Not a monumental shift from where we are currently.
Get the split, at a minimum, and we likely can still get the 1 seed.