The only things the Bills could have done to prevent KC from drafting worthy was to draft him first. I don’t think Coleman and Worthy should be connected in any way.
And to the extent they are, any comparisons should wait awhile
Waaagh. Wow. The grass is greener whining. They both must be pretty good and keon w a better fit for our boy and kc must have been willing to gift us bishop to believe in worthy where we did not as much. The cheesy whining feels like the jets fans as the avarice and greed of an overated and ultimately boring nyc. W a quarter ounce of pure bolivian in box next to a pile non fantanyl rare afgani sits w a back up vile of hydro w prop and cat in cupboards, two tanks underneath the clothes in the closet, forgot the essential ability to maintain this , two girls pased out in the bed and two somewhere waiting to jump should i call , the girls side which is still true a hundred backs everywhere hidden in obscure contacts w multiple vooip fake numbers and platforms from wifi calling to eager cia neighbors all vying for ? Meanwhile, cheesball
Ridgers pal just stole the last of what was too weird , too far and you turned down as your thoughts range between breakfast for lunch and the girl that's also thinking about you across town or the country. C'mon. Lets see what we've got
Lets see if weve got focus. Before we pine for some dude kc must've schemed up some great plays to take advantage of some kids speed so the panties of young billsfans? Wannabees are ready to take all the substances above w some doses and spend 8 to twelve hours with themselves in the pit.
Doesn't mean that keon will work out or even be a factor. Nice pressure yr all putting on a kid , but how bout trusting beanes bet as he's doing pretty fn well. Mrs pegula even muscled her way towards well to be in public. I wouldn't considering your nature but she's stronger than most. After 7 games we'll see if there are any all pro receivers out of this class and if Diggs gets to step of poor little Josh's neck and be ego king of wwnfl. We'll see. I doubt it.
I think all four have good years and are decent fits. Diggs decides to catch and not pout. Josh becomes all about feetball and we'll see about rooks after seven games.
I will say. I love rayhm davis story the age of our new dt tackle. The will of keon as well as the same from bishop. Ladies. Good night and chill