Post-Game Talk: We Poked The Bear! Habs lose 7-2

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I understand you are pissed but it was accidental. Maybe Emelin should do a better job on that breakaway next time. That is the best way to protect the goalie.

Habs are going to concentrate on winning next game and tying the series 1-1 not on injuring the opponent's goalie.

Guess him running Anderson injuring him last year and fleury were also accidental, all of them skate first?? Dont be naive and fall for the rangers excuses.

Born in 1909

Hockey Royalty
Nov 20, 2007

The "worst" that happens to him is that he gets a whiff of a stick near his face.

No trip. Skates first, right into Price.
Ranger fans, I have nothing against your team, but if we did that to Lundqvist?

at 1:15, you do see Emelin tap his ankle, but man, there's a way to avoid that.

That's the clip.

A reckless guy.

Even Marchand doesn't pull that stuff.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
I understand you are pissed but it was accidental. Maybe Emelin should do a better job on that breakaway next time. That is the best way to protect the goalie.

Habs are going to concentrate on winning next game and tying the series 1-1 not on injuring the opponent's goalie.

I've watched it several times and while I don't think it was planned or intentional, it was a kind of play with high risk of injuring the goalie.

It's within the rules. You charge the net as fast as you can then when the Dman pushes you (he has to do it) you fall and keep gliding. Noone can blame you then. The fact that he did it so many times, while I don't see other players doing it makes me believe he knew the odds.

Let's not fool ourselves, they are drinking champagne in the locker room for this play - it's more important for the Rags than the 7 goals all together.

How to injure the opponent key player while staying within the rules.

Heck, I was not angry at Lucic when he injured Emelin (Emelin's fault). Or when Moen got injured in the fight. This is different

Btw - I'm not advocating for us to do the same. I'm just sad that they choose to do it. They were by far the better hockey team today and I wanted to cheer for them in the finals if they beat us. If Price is injured I'll hate the Rangers forever just like I hated the Canes after poking Koivu's eye. The same kind of "accidental" move.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
Montreal typical. They looked like they were hung over against Boston in an afternoon game too.

But it could truly be the case that the Rags have puck luck on their side, unlike the Bruins. Rags aren't hitting posts, they're shots are going in. Even Rick freaking Nash made the scoresheet.

And Pacioretty has reverted to his beta male self, choosing to not crash the net when he had the room. Lundqvist is not going to give up soft goals, moron.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
I've watched it several times and while I don't think it was planned or intentional, it was a kind of play with high risk of injuring the goalie.

It's within the rules. You charge the net as fast as you can then when the Dman pushes you (he has to do it) you fall and keep gliding. Noone can blame you then. The fact that he did it so many times, while I don't see other players doing it makes me believe he knew the odds.

Let's not fool ourselves, they are drinking champagne in the locker room for this play - it's more important for the Rags than the 7 goals all together.

How to injure the opponent key player while staying within the rules.

Heck, I was not angry at Lucic when he injured Emelin (Emelin's fault). Or when Moen got injured in the fight. This is different

Btw - I'm not advocating for us to do the same. I'm just sad that they choose to do it. They were by far the better hockey team today and I wanted to cheer for them in the finals if they beat us. If Price is injured I'll hate the Rangers forever just like I hated the Canes after poking Koivu's eye. The same kind of "accidental" move.

Kreider was not pushed. The only thing that could have happened was Emelin's whack knocking him off balance. Somehow, I doubt that someone with strong legs would crumple that easily even if it was a painful shot to the shins, and fall forward as well.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
I understand you are pissed but it was accidental. Maybe Emelin should do a better job on that breakaway next time. That is the best way to protect the goalie.

Habs are going to concentrate on winning next game and tying the series 1-1 not on injuring the opponent's goalie.

Maybe Jonathan Quick should lay off all of the pushback he delivers when he gets run into. Not becoming of a goalie to act aggressively to send a message. Nor should the Kings come to his defense, even though they are a loaded skill team who just happen to have a lot of big boys who can throw their weight around.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
Kreider was not pushed. The only thing that could have happened was Emelin's whack knocking him off balance. Somehow, I doubt that someone with strong legs would crumple that easily even if it was a painful shot to the shins, and fall forward as well.

The "push" I was talking is just the excuse he'll use. Any D has to try and move him - then he falls and lets the speed carry him into the goalie.

Out of curiosity - are there any other forwards in the NHL that do the same thing on breakaways ? He can't be the only one can he ?


Registered User
Jun 30, 2012
Emelins lack of agility and overall skating ability has been exposed by a speedy New York Rangers team, that is what scares me moving forward more then anything except for maybe #31's health.

Hockey Team

Hunger Force
Dec 30, 2009
New York, NY
I saw a statement somewhere that they clocked Kreider going at 22 MPH at the time of the collision. If you're skating that fast it doesn't take much to lose your balance and fall. He got whacked pretty hard across the shin with a stick. Go watch the replay:

What the defenseman did with his stick to Kreider is what caused him to fall and go skates first into price.

Hockey Team

Hunger Force
Dec 30, 2009
New York, NY
The slash had no effect on his stride. He lost balance taking the shot or deliberately giving up his ability to stand.

Getting slashed while skating at 22 MPH has no effect on his stride? A bump in the ice at those speeds would make someone fall, let alone a stick slash like that.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2008
Emelin will pound him next game. And we'll see about your comment. Can't wait till the habs eliminate the rangers and then let's hear you talk. Clown.

This guy's main contribution to the Ranger forums is to repeatedly call for Carcillo's presence - don't bother with him.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
So - Ranger fans that claim this is not something Kreider does to goalies.. a challenge,

Find me a similar case of a player in another team that slides repeatedly skates first into the goalies. And injures them at times.

There are thousands of breakaways in a Hockey season - there must be other "accidents" like these elsewhere.

Only problem is with accusing Kreider with intent in the Fleury and Anderson videos is that he has a case to defend himself. Kreider could have very well been tripped by Methot into Anderson, as Methot's stick did seem to make contact with his skate blade. With Fleury, it appeared he tried to make himself thin when he was about to contact Fleury. With Anderson, he could have dived, but the Fleury incident just seems to be the unfortunate consequences of crashing the net with speed.


I don't think I'm trolling... I was asking serious questions. I noticed you decided to not answer any of them. Ok, that's your prerogative. But I guess you don't want to have an actual discussion about the play and just keep repeating the same thing.

But even though you didn't address a single question I asked, I'll do you the courtesy (which you didn't do me by the way) of addressing the points you make here:

- "Falls skate first on numerous occasions." The Fleury contact was not skate first; Kreider was still on his feet. And if you watch the play, he is pushed into Fleury from behind by Letang. Not to mention the contact is pretty minor if you actually paid attention to the replay. But let's not pay attention to details, I guess. The Andersson video shown here? Ok, yea - that is feet first. But are we going to ignore that his skates were taken out from under him by Methot? He was driving the net. This is his job. And his skates were taken out from under him, so he falls skate first into Anderson. Explain how this was avoidable other than Kreider purposefully neutralizing what he does well as a player.

- Even if we accept your premise that Kreider has some history of constantly running goalies skate first (which I'm not seeing - please feel free to provide proof of this though if you have it)... Are you implying that he has done any (all?) of them purposefully? You say you're not; but everything you write seems to indicate otherwise. The only other incidence of Kreider going legs first into a goalie was the Anderson contact. Which, while unfortunate, was far from purposeful. And I'm not quite sure how you're convinced that today's was purposeful either... If you watch the replay, you can see that the movement of Kreider's right leg is effected by the slash... it jerks back and/or catches an edge. This is not something that happens purposefully. You also see that as he's falling, he tries to initiate a stop; but because he had lost his balance at that point, he goes skates first into Price. Not seeing any intent in any of that play - other than the slash/trip.

I appreciate that. From what you've been posting on the main boards - and here - I had a very different impression of your position. I don't agree that it was reckless (I ask again: Would you want a Canadiens player to hold up on a breakaway because his skates might be taken out from under him?). But I at least get where you're coming from now, and you're entitled to your opinion, so ok.

His stride is not affected from the slash, just watched it again. He takes another stride before he starts falling after the slash.

Richter Scale

Registered User
Aug 4, 2012
His stride is not affected from the slash, just watched it again. He takes another stride before he starts falling after the slash.

Watch the super slow mo starting at 1:15. He does not take another stride after the slash. And the right leg jerks back. I get the anger at possibly losing an integral player; I really do. But I don't get how we can come away from the same replay with two completely different versions of what happened...


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native

Watch the super slow mo starting at 1:15. He does not take another stride after the slash. And the right leg jerks back. I get the anger at possibly losing an integral player; I really do. But I don't get how we can come away from the same replay with two completely different versions of what happened...

I think after watching it more, your interpretation seems to be the actual case, and that I might have to retract my previous comments. With that said, I still ache for the pushback Kreider that the hungover Habs did not dish out on him after the play that would have happened had it been the Kings...



Watch the super slow mo starting at 1:15. He does not take another stride after the slash. And the right leg jerks back. I get the anger at possibly losing an integral player; I really do. But I don't get how we can come away from the same replay with two completely different versions of what happened...

That kind of slash happens all the time on breakaways though, and rarely do you see a player go into the goalie skate first, usually you see them fall stomach first to the ice. I'm just surprised he falls skate first that way.. against Anderson too.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
That kind of slash happens all the time on breakaways though, and rarely do you see a player go into the goalie skate first, usually you see them fall stomach first to the ice. I'm just surprised he falls skate first that way.. against Anderson too.

It was a perfect bang-bang sequence of events. He apparently wanted to lean as much as he could into the shot at the expense of maintaining balance after being slashed. (Or he's a master diver)


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
I would try the following for our D pairs:

Gorges can play his off-side ok and Emelin is definitely more in his "zone" when on the left side. Subban should be able to mask his flaws and Emelin would not look so awkward trying to clear the zone.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2013
This aint Trolls R Us Gang. Bans to Follow if we see anymore of it.

Sincerely appreciate the work you guys do. A thank you from all of us for keeping this place clean. I don't post much but until the cavalry arrives to kick these guys out I find it hard to stand idle.

Hockey Team

Hunger Force
Dec 30, 2009
New York, NY
It was a perfect bang-bang sequence of events. He apparently wanted to lean as much as he could into the shot at the expense of maintaining balance after being slashed. (Or he's a master diver)

Yeah, it definitely looks like he was prioritizing taking the shot over anything else.

I doubt he would fall on purpose, as that would be giving up a breakaway.
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