The Gongshow
Fire JBB
I live in Toronto and like to have change on me for the TTC or coffee rather than breaking big bills (I’m almost as rich as Jimminy)
What type of wallet or change source do you use?
If I know I'm going to be using public transit, I just pocket a few coins, separate from my wallet. Usually bring enough for two fares. They take up minimal space, and usually share a pocket with my spare condo key.
Left pocket: key and change
Right pocket: phone
Back pocket: wallet
Do you have piriformis syndrome yet
No, because my wallet doesn't look like this:
Thank you for asking, though.
It's refreshing to see you take an interest in my well being, after being so rude earlier.
Your wallet doesn't have to be like that for you to develop it
No change purse. Those are for women