Heading to Chicago this weekend for the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon and looking for some things to do. Anything special happening this weekend? We arrive Saturday afternoon and the run is Sunday morning. Planning to take it easy Saturday night but will have Sunday post-race through Monday to be tourists.
As of now the only thing I think we will do for sure is go to a Cubs game on Monday night. Will definitely seek out some deep dish though I want to try something new if possible. Any preference between Piece (I saw it referenced in the thread) and Pequod's? Have never tried either one. FYI, we're staying at the Hyatt Regency near the river and Grant Park so probably won't venture too far for food unless it's a must do. We also never tried italian beef last trip so may need to give that a shot?
Anything else? We've done an architectural boat tour and frankly enjoyed it enough that we might do it again. Thought about heading back over to the Art Museum as I heard they have a new wing or two since our last visit. Other than that we're wide open for suggestions.
Any of The Aquarium, Art Museum, Field Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, Lincoln Park Zoo, are all solid things to do. Boat tours on the river/lake are good, also, as you mentioned.
I'm a Pequod's fan. Pepperoni, extra sauce, well done.
Navy Pier is solid. They did a bunch of remodeling there since you were here last, I'd guess. They also have fireworks and such during the summer - Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Del Seoul in Lincoln Park is highly recommended food place, if you make it up north that far. It's Korean BBQ/Mexican fusion. The K-Town wings are the best wings I've ever had, and you get all drummies. And they're huge. Also have to do the Kimchi fries if you go there.
Lots of stuff to do in that immediate area to you, though. I'm sure others can recommend other stuff, too.
@Snilsson said, the lake front walks/bike rides and beaches are always an option. Enjoy your time here. The city of Chicago is gorgeous in the summer. Especially up by the lake/river.