Congrats man! And keep fighting the good fight. Our youngest (of three) is just about out of diapers and it gets so, so much easier. My unsolicited advice would be once you get your feet under you a bit, definitely still make time for your own interests (and encourage your partner to do the same). I would have lost my mind if I didn’t have beer league, my own set of friends, and my own stuff to think about other than cleaning shit off butts and work. We also split the weekends so I get up with the kids on Saturday and my wife is free until 10:00am (to sleep or run or go to brunch or whatever) and I get Sunday mornings off, so Saturday nights are my sanity nights where I drink, smoke, and play video games late into the night. I’m in a noticeably worse mood if we have plans on a Saturday night or have to get up super early on Sunday and I don’t get my “I love you all dearly but leave me the f*** alone for a few hours” time.
Separately, I just bought Helldivers 2. Seems awesome. Anyone put a lot of time into it?